Wednesday 12 November 2008

Nice vs Aix

The match between Nice and Aix was a blinder.

Tries, great kicking, tension, steadfast defending, a match of the 70’s muddy punch-up, and a victory for the good guys.

In the first half Aix looked the more confident and capable. They were pool leaders - Nice had just lost. They moved the ball around with pace, and created more options.
They led 12-16 at half time and could have had more.

In the second half the visitors tried to push on, but Nice’s stood firm. Chambon's kicking was peerless, the man is as sound as an old engineer. With great kicks, come great ticks. Starting with a plie, he adds a dash of King Johnny before (could it be?), a Wile E Coyote cameo.
And 3 points.


Slowly the home side started to believe. They prodded, furrowed and hassled. The visitors didn't like it.

Then, from nowhere, Nice nicked a try. Aix, having been in control for so long, got shirty.

It went off.

Now, I know you can’t say, outloud, that watching players fighting is entertaining.

But it is.

If you don't condemn you condone right. To deny this leads to WWF? Sarah Palin?

There are the odd exceptions like (Big) Phil Scolari suspending his (football) players who wouldn't take part in a mass brawl at a Corinthians match.

But we know generally that's not the way it's done in rugby

However, at the Stade des Arboras, as the elephants in the room were knocking shit out of each other, the crowd were loving it.

It finished 29-19, and we chortled our way to the bar and to the afternoon’s only bum note. The fantastic keyboard player/ singer, who normally graces the club bar aprés match, was replaced by a glitter ball and some cd’s.

Shame,as I’d been bigging up his startling Barry White.

Maybe the new owners want to go glam.

It doesn’t matter.

If Nice get out of the pool, I’m lobbying for Chambon to throw in a bit of Riverdance.

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